SuperMom: Lauren Lanefski

-Liesel Schmidt
As the CFO at the Hope Farm in Fairhope, Lauren Lanefski is part of a team whose sole focus is creating a space for guests to gather and experience something that will become a memory. Events and milestones happen within its walls and on its grounds—and, much the same way, as a wife and mother, Lanefski is part of a team whose focus is creating an environment for her children to experience their own milestones and thrive into adulthood.
Naturally, there is a balance to be struck between the two halves of Lanefski’s life. “Being a working mom is one of the things that I thank the Lord for every single day,” she says. “My role at the Hope Farm is extremely flexible, and I work from home majority of the time. Serving in a role with this type of flexibility not only allows me to provide for my family financially while still moving forward down my career path, but—most importantly—it also affords me the ability to spend a great deal of time with my kids. The fact that the flexibility of my work allows me to be with them in ways that a traditional working parent would not be able to is extremely rewarding not only for myself, but for my kids, as well.”