Community Leader | State Representative Matt Simpson

A Seat in the House: Representative Matt Simpson
-Liesel Schmidt
As a former prosecutor in the Mobile and Baldwin District Attorney’s Office, Matt Simpson has seen first-hand how the laws passed by the legislature affected people every day. Having been a part of the judicial system, he wanted to be a voice for victims whom he felt had been overlooked in the criminal justice process and do all he could to help the citizens of Mobile and Baldwin Counties feel safe in their homes and in their communities—and, to that end, he pursued a seat in the Alabama House of Representatives.
“Most of my time in law was spent as the Child Victims Prosecutor, handling cases where children were the victim of physical and sexual abuse, as well as internet crimes,” Simpson explains. “I had an opportunity to be the voice of the voiceless and bring justice to those who suffered unspeakable acts. I’ve prosecuted murderers, rapists, and some of the worst of the worst in our society. What led me to running as a representative for Alabama House District 96 was my love for helping people. This office has given me an opportunity to serve the public in a way that I never could have imagined. When Hurricane Sally hit, I was able to assist constituents who were in need to get access to the goods and services that they desperately needed. After the storm, I saw how many of our citizens were taken advantage of by scammers who were charging outrageous costs for jobs that were never completed. I’m very happy to say that I led the charge to change the law, and now home repair fraud after a natural disaster is a felony. Because of that, we can really punish those individuals who try to take advantage of others in their time of need.”